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Jabali [ The Rock ] Youth Ministry

It comprises of the:

  • Teens Ministries
  • Young Adult Ministries

Our vision is to raise up, by God’s help, a generation of young people, rooted in God’s word for life, who love Christ and are about Christ, our rock and firm foundation. Encouraging them, that even though they may be considered young, they can be an example to, others in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity.

Timothy 4:12

Our Motto

Win- Build – Send


We work towards sharing the message of salvation and God’s love to the youth and winning these young souls, who are then Converts, to Christ. Reminding them that God has a plan for them.

Romans 5:8


The next step is to walk with them to not just be converts but be disciples, doers of the Word and have a relationship with God and fellow believers

Acts 2:41-42


Finally, after they have been guided and understood who they are in Christ , and understand that this will forever be a process of growth, they are encouraged to do as Christ commanded, to go into the World and make disciples ,just as they are.

Mathew 28:18-20

How do we do this?

Weekly Sunday Lessons

Holiday Bible Studies

Teens Camp

Young Adults Bible Study

Teens & Young Adult Sunday Services

Bridge Program

Ex-candidates 6 Months Program

Young Adults Missions

Holiday Youth Hangouts

We are always looking forward to opportunities and avenues to encourage the Youth, to as the Church’s motto, to accept, disciple and equip them for works of service through the Holy Spirit.